Seed Library

Seed Library Catalog. Image credit Salt Lake City Public LibraryWhat’s a Seed Library?

The Harrison Township Public Library’s Seed Library exists to provide free access to food production and gardening seeds for the betterment and beautification of Harrison Township. A seed library is a collection of harvested and donated seeds from the community. Individuals are able to check out seeds from the library, grow the plants, and then harvest seeds at the end of the growing period to return to the library.

Where is it?

The seed library is located next to the Newspapers and Audio Non-fiction shelves. The seeds are housed in an old-school card catalog and labeled alphabetically by plant type. The checkout binder is located on top of the card catalog, and the seed donation and return box is located above that. Seeds are available while supplies last and will be restocked as needed by a librarian.

Seed Library Self-Checkout Procedure

  1. Choose up to 5 packets a day and up to 10 packets a season, taking only what you need.
  2. Sign your name, email, and seeds chosen in the Checkout Notebook located on top of the Seed Library.
  3. Plant and grow the seeds. Enjoy!
  4. Harvest the seeds and return as many or more than borrowed in a sealed and labeled envelope with your name, email, and name of seeds checked back in.

If you have questions or comments, email us at

Seed Library Policy & Guidelines

Posted in Library News, Operations.