“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.” - Jean Vanier

Who are the Friends?

Friends of Harrison Township Public Library

The FRIENDS of Harrison Township Public Library provide the volunteer base, fundraising efforts, and enthusiasm that anchors our library to the community. Township residents and Library patrons who volunteer and/or donate will see their support going directly to the library and its programs.

Our Vision

With the support and financial assistance from the FRIENDS, the Harrison Township Public Library will become a vital resource and gathering place for all township residents.

Our Mission

The FRIENDS of Harrison Township Public Library recognize the library as the center for culture and learning within our community. The FRIENDS sponsor programs and support new library technologies, while working to enhance our library’s connection to the community.

Volunteer to work at fundraising events


All are welcome, regardless of membership.

Contact Volunteer Coordinator Laura Johnson (johnslaura582@gmail.com) for more information.

Become a Friend

Membership costs just $15 per year for individuals or $20 per year for an entire family. You can pay by credit card online or, or download a membership for to pay by cash or check.

Credit Card

Join the Friends online now. Select your membership level and click Pay NowMembership Level

Cash or Check

If you prefer to pay by cash or check, download and print the membership application. If paying by check, make payable to Friends of Harrison Township Public Library and mail to:

Friends of the Library
c/o Harrison Township Public Library
38255 L'Anse Creuse St, Ste A
Harrison Township, MI 48045

You can also drop off your membership form and cash or check payment at the library during regular hours.

Everything Friends

What The Friends do

  • Hold fundraising events
  • Promote the library
  • Volunteer at events
  • Provide and maintain township book nooks
  • Solicit donations, endowments, and bequests
  • Conduct ongoing used book sale

What Friends Fund

  • 50% of children’s & adult programing
  • Paper and electronics shred days
  • Materials outside the library’s budget
  • Millage campaigns

Benefits of Being a Friend

Friends gain great satisfaction from helping the library. Friendships develop as members share common interests and work together for the benefit of the community.

Friends Events

Bake sale at St. Hubert’s Fish Fry – first Friday of Lent
Everyone’s Birthday Party – Spring
Concerts at Waterfront Park – Summer 
SummerCalendar iconLori’s Lick “Em Up – Summer
Bingo at Tucker Center – Fall
Cookie Walk – 1st Saturday in December
Used book sale – Ongoing

Friends - Board of Directors

President – Sylvia Arakelian (aarake01@att.net)
Vice President – Beverley Ortman (beortman@yahoo.com)
Treasurer – Linda Silvonen (ljsilvonen@gmail.com)
Secretary – Margaret Tiesler (mstiesler@gmail.com)
Member-at-Large – Laura JohnsonPerson cutout
Member-at-Large – Tida Tate
Member-at-Large – Jan Greenup


Membership - Sylvia Arakelian (aarake01@att.net)
Fundraising - Janet Greenup, (jgreenup1@att.net)
PR/Marketing - Beverley Ortman (beortman@yahoo.com)
Used Books – Linda Pillow (pillowlinda@gmail.com)
Volunteer Coordinator - Laura Johnson (johnslaura582@gmail.com)


Old, New, and Gently Used Books

Buy a used book, or two or three

The Friends run a continuous book sale in the library. Prices range from $0.25 to $1.00.

BOGO (Buy One Get One Free) Sales are held throughout the year. Watch your email and our Facebook page for announcements.

Donating Books and Other Materials

When donating items to the library as well as the Book Nooks please keep in mind the following item may apply.

  • Contact the library to see if they are accepting donations as space is limited.
  • Bring books to the circulation desk during regular operating hours.
  • Do not leave book donations in the after-hours drop box or outside of the library doors.
  • Only donate books in good condition.
  • The library does not accept cassette or VHS tapes, encyclopedias, coffee table books, magazines, or vinyl records.

Other Ways to Support the Friends

Purchase an engraved paver for the library’s walkwayFriends Completed Walkway

A permanent way to honor a loved one or say whatever you want to say. Available for $100, $70 for two or more.

Purchase A PaverOrder a memorial paver online

Make a donation, memorial or honorarium

The Friends of Harrison Township Public Library is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section a 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code and donations are tax deductible.
Make A DonationIn Honor or Memory

I love our library yard sign"I Love My Library" Yard Sign

Proudly display your support for HTPL - Friends with a "I Love My Library" Yard Sign. Stop by the circulation desk to pick up your FREE sign today!

Kroger PurchasesKroger logo

Support the Friends with every grocery purchase at Kroger!









    Crocker & Metro Pwky

Books, Books, and More Books

Book Nooks

The Friends maintain four Book Nooks, located throughout the township. The nooks are stocked with books for all ages and are free for the taking. If you would like to add a book, please do so.

Currently, the Lake St. Clair Metropark Playground book nook is in operation.  The remaining three have been taken down for repair and will be available as soon as possible.


The Friend’s board meets quarterly, and all members are invited to attend the meetings. Meetings are held the second Thursday of January, April, July, and October. The meetings are held at the library and begin at 6:30 unless otherwise noted.

Make a Donation

Your donation will help the Friends fulfill our mission to support the Library.

or Monthly Donation
