Tech Talk Test Page

Step 1:

Choose app or website

or B: Use the Libby website

Step 2:

Login using your library card.

Login: ID number on the back of your card.
Your 7 or 10 digit phone number

After you login with your library card you will be asked to create your own Libby account.  Once you have an account you can login on any device.


Step 3:

Browse, Search and Check-out titles.

Read and listen right away using the Libby app or Libby website.  You can also download to other reading devices.

Step 3:

Moving Books to Your eReader.

Libby is made to work well with kindle e-readers, and will connect to your amazon account for direct transfers.  For other types of ereaders, you may need to download an epub file from libby and tranfer the file to your reader from a computer.

Advanced eReader Tip:
Use Adobe Digital Editions to covert the file to a format that works with your ereader.


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